nurse with hospital fileYoung woman healthcare worker in blue overall posing in medical office

You see, it can be very tiring and difficult when trying to find a nursing job. You know what? The hardest part is searching out the best place to start looking for your dream nursing job.

Search no more, because in this piece of article we’re going to evaluate some of the best job boards for nursing career.

What Is Job Boards for Nurses?

A job boards for nurses can be define as a nurses website (or part of a website ) where employers or those people that hire a nurse can be able to post and request the position they’re looking for.

Furthermore, it is very important to understand that many of the job boards online are for general job boards. But you can easily channel your search to just only job boards for nurses.

nurse searching for job opportunity
Nurse searching for new job opportunity with their mobile phone: istock.

What Are The Best Job Boards For Nurses?

In general, the following are the best job boards for nurse’s 2023 update.

1. Monster.Com.

Monster.Com play a huge role in the job board internet market for nursing career applicant. Over 8000 jobs are search in monster. Com in every 25 minute. Also, over 8000 resume are uploaded on in every 27 minute.


NurseMoneyTalk. Com is a career and lifestyle blog dedicated to nurses and nursing students.

The nurse money talk job board can help you find your next nursing jobs. To begin:

1. Go to the job board.

2. In the “job title”area, enter the type of nursing job you’re looking for. For example, “ICU Nursing Jobs,” “Home Health Nurse Jobs,” “School Nurse Jobs.” 

3. In the “location”area, enter the city or state you’re wanting the job in. For example, “Dallas, Texas” “Miami, Florida” “New York.” 

4. Select the radius you would like to see based on the location you picked. (i.e. how far out you want to look)

5. Select if you want to see newer job postings or jobs that have been up for a while.

6. Start looking for your dream nurse job and apply.

2. Nurse.Com. is one of the nursing job board or job site that focuses on helping nurses in continuing their education and for personal development. Their job site is located at the top of their page and is fairly clean and easy to use.

in addition, is more than a nurse job site. Because it is owned by E-Course Learning.

Secondly, it also has educational resources for nurses and provides updates on relevant industry information. It differentiate job postings based on nursing specialty and location. This site claims to have over 2.8 million nurses registered on it.

The website is also a place for nurses to create a profile so you can search for potential candidates. Because there are both active and passive nurse applicants on this site.

what is the cost of per month? costs $350 per month for a regular job posting or $850 to have your job at the top of the search results. While not cheap, you can potentially get your nursing job ad in front of hundreds of thousands of qualified candidates. You could absorb this cost by making a quick hire and getting a skilled nurse on the job in a short time.

4. Nurse.Org

Nurse .Org is also one of the largest site  and as well design with the goal of educating the lives of nurses.


Note, is likely to Monster.Com, in that job finding is the primary focus of the site. Unlike some of the other sites, that focuses in education too.

Nurse Recruiter is a little harder to use if you are searching for job urgently compared to some of the other job search engines.

This imply that you can get more precise job results here. Furthermore, gives you access to nurses through job posts and resume searches. If you’re searching resumes, you can sort by license, nurse specialty, experience, and many more filters, letting you narrow your results quickly.

6. NursingJobs.Com

The primary objective of is by helping RNs find jobs. In fact, their main objective is to help travel nurses get a job. However, this site job search does require more information to help one find his or her ideal job.

7. HospitalJobs.Com. focuses on getting jobs for all healthcare professionals, not just nurses alone. Their site is good for some in stent, straightforward and easy to use.

 Does It Matter Which Job Boards For Nurses I Apply To? 

No, it doesn’t usually matter which job board you use. This is for several reasons.

1. Syndication.The first is that many job boards are syndicated throughout many other job boards.

Secondly,  most employers are putting their applications through multiple channels to make sure it gets out to as many applicants as possible.

In other words chances are you’re going to see many of the same RN or LPN jobs across different healthcare and general job boards.

2. Applicant Tracking System. Lastly, if the employer has an applicant tracking system (ATS). All the applications are going to run through that before it makes its way to an actual person (source).

In other words, it’s not really going to matter which job board you used to apply. (If you’re wondering what ATS is we covered it in detail in our article What You’re Doing Wrong in Your New Nurse Resume).

Where Can I Find Nurses To Hire?

There are many job site you can search for nurses to hire. Below are some of the site you can get nurse to hire:

1.  Nursing Job Sites Compared.

2. Best for Widest Reach.

3. ANA: Best for Resume Searches.

4. Health eCareers: Best for Company Culture.

5. Best for Applicant Tracking.

6. Best for General Job Posting.

7. Best for Affordability.

8. Best for Sponsored Jobs.

9. Best for Minority Hiring.

Is It Easy To Get A Job As A Nurse?

Yes, is easy to find job as a nurse using nursing job sites. Anyway, it all depends on your present location or the area you are residing and your nursing career specialty. Moreover, it can either be easy or difficult to find nursing job.

Note, it will be some time very difficult to get a job if you’re a new graduate nurse with no or little experience. Especially if you’re trying to go into specialist such as ICU or ER nursing.

However, some areas such as medsurg nursing can be easier to find employment. But it can as well vary based on your experience and what part of the country you are residing on.

What Do I Need To Apply To Job  Boards For Nurses?

There are many things you’re going to need to apply to a job on a job boards for nurses. The following are the things requiring as job   applicant:

Time: You should make sure you have enough time dedicated to properly apply to each job without rushing.

A nurse cover letter: Make sure you have a nurse cover letter that matches to the job you’re applying for.

A nurse resume: Make sure you have a nurse resume that’s also matching to the job you’re applying for.

Are Nurse Recruiters Nurses? 

No, nurse recruiters are not always nurses. They can be, but it’s not a must.

It helps if a nurse recruiter is a nurse because as nurses they would understand the job of a nurse.

What is more important is if the nurse recruiter have important qualities such as good people skills and good communication skills.

In conclusion:

Job boards for nurses is the best approach in searching for a nurse job or wanting to hire a nurse in any part of the world

But specifically help you in getting accurate information on available job in and around USA.

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